Daily Ocean News Bulletin – 9th November
Felixstowe Port
Road – A14 westbound exit slip at junction J57 Ipswich East. Congestion. A14 westbound between junctions J39 Kentford and J38 Newmarket East, Congestion. A12 southbound exit slip to the A120, Congestion. A14 eastbound between junctions J46 and J49 Stowmarket West, A14 eastbound between J46 and J47, A14 eastbound between J47A and J49, Roadworks. A14 westbound between junctions J44 Bury St Edmunds East and J37 Newmarket West, A14 westbound between J44 and J43, A14 westbound between J38 and J37, Roadworks. A14 westbound between junctions J37 Newmarket West and J32 Histon, A14 westbound within J37, A14 westbound between J33 and J32, Roadworks. A1 southbound between the A14 and the junction with the A421, A1 southbound between B645/B1048 and A428, A1 southbound between A428 and A421, Roadworks. The A12 southbound between the A14 and the junction with the A133, A12 southbound between B1029 and A120 near Colchester (east), A12 southbound between A120 near Colchester (east) and A133, roadworks.
Port – Evergreen are now accepting empty containers Into Felixstowe. Have had no Issues with port operations with average turnaround times of 30 to 60 minutes.
Vessel – Ever Gentle (Working), MSC Michelle (Working), Venta Maersk (Working), Zim Haifa (Inbound), Seatrade Orange (Inbound), MSC Regulus (Inbound), Gardiner (Inbound), CSCL Artic Ocean (Inbound), MSC Alicante (Inbound), MSC Apolline (Inbound).
Weather – No issues to report at present for today.
Southampton Port
Road – A27 eastbound between the junctions with the A286 and the A259 Chichester East, Congestion. A27 eastbound at the junction with the A293, Congestion. A27 eastbound entry slip from the A293, Congestion. M27 westbound between junctions J8 and J7, M27 westbound within J8, M27 westbound within J7, Roadworks. M3 westbound between junction J14 and the M27, Roadworks. M3 westbound between junction J14 and the M27, M3 westbound between J13 and J14, link road from M3 J14 westbound to M27 J4 eastbound, Roadworks. M3 slip road to the M27 westbound, Roadworks. The A31 eastbound, emergency roadworks.
Port – No issues to report at present. Further operational information can be found here.
Vessel – MOL Treasure (Working), Ren Jian 25 (Departed), CMA CGM Titus (Inbound), Burgundy (Inbound), Maersk Bali (Inbound), Independent Quest (Inbound), JSP Mistral (Inbound), JSP Slidur (Inbound), MSC Charleston (Inbound), HMM Garam (Inbound).
Weather – No issues to report at present for today.
London Gateway Port
Road – M1 southbound between junctions J6 and J5, Congestion. Road traffic collision. M2 westbound exit slip at junction J3, Congestion. A2 eastbound between the M25 and the junction with the A2260, A2 eastbound access from M25/A282, A2 eastbound within the A2260 junction, Roadworks.
Port – Tilbury 2, 32 Berth Is now full of empty containers alternative will be 26 Berth In Tilbury. This has caused no major delays with a turnaround of 30 to 60 minutes. DP Gateway no issues to report at present. Further operational information can be found here.
Vessel – MSC India (Working), Hudson Express (Working), Puerto Limon Express (Working), Leo C (Inbound), Cap San Raphel (Inbound), CMA CGM Fort St Charles (Inbound), Archer (Inbound), MSC Palak (Inbound), Santa Isabel (Inbound), MSC Hamburg (Inbound), CMA CGM Sinnamary (Inbound), Maersk Kimi (Inbound), MSC Pegasus (Inbound), CMA CGM Jean Gabriel (Inbound), Frederik (Inbound), Nordpacific (Inbound), MSC Ingrid (Inbound).
Weather – No issues to report at present for today.
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Daily Ocean News Bulletin
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